About Us:

Faizane Mehboob-e-Elahi

The Nizamia Charitable Trust
                  India occupies the second position in the world about her population. Muslim citizen of India numbering about 140 millions constitute the second largest Muslim community in the world. Nearly seventy per cent of her population subsists in rural and sub-urban belts. They eke out their livelihood through farming, rearing of livestock, landless labour, developing cottage products, and working as masons, motor mechanics, carpenters, butchers, artisans and rag pickers. Majority of them live below the per capita income of Rs. 3,500. The authorities at the federal state and central levels have been taking pains to make them secure through various incentives and projects. None of the projects were catering to their requirements due to intervention of middlemen, and other bottlenecks, which are less, said the better. Frequenting of natural disasters, illiteracy, unemployment and underemployment, endemics take the toll.

                 We, the cherished social workers at Nizamia Charitable Trust based in Delhi have been working in the most backward districts of north India for the cause. Founded in 1983 by Late Nadwatul Mashaikh Hazrat Peer Qazi Syed Safdar Ali Nizami R.A, SajjadaNashin and the descendant of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia R.A. to whom the trust owes it’s name. The great sufi saint of the 12th century Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia R.A. preached Islam, universal love and brotherhood. Through the blessing of Almighty Allah SWT and the grace of Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia R.A. since it’s inception the trust has been championing the cause of the poor and the downtrodden. This missionary zeal is exemplary and people of all faiths have regard and reverence for this trust. It tries to bring succor and solace to thousands of people. Our trust remains apolitical and non-governmental organization in action since 1983. We have been rendering service for the society without any bias towards class, colour, community or religion. We have been extending services for the community in enhancing their educational levels, medicare, and empowerment of minority communities with timely relief measures, subjected to frequent natural disasters in the zone.
                     Our trust doesn’t receive any grant or donations from any agencies affiliated to the state or central government. All the activities are conducted through voluntary donations from philanthropists and it’s well-wishers.

                      Brief introductory description of the services offered by Nizamia Charitable Trust are :


                      Health is the prerequisite of man in any developed society-mental and bodily. Our community lives in urban slums and rural pockets in dinghies, closed, unhygienic and clustered houses attracting number of contagious and other diseases. Poverty, ignorance and inaccessibility to riches have kept them virtually insecure.
                      The people are frequently subjected to malnutrition, gastro-enteritis, anaemia, besides chronic ailments such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, malaria, disturbing the social fabric forever in the season. The water fed through public supply remains contaminated from industrial effluents, piling up of garbage etc. here and there. 

Our Treatment Drive:

Free Treatment for Victims affected with Tuberculosis 
                Nizamia Charitable Trust has been successful in establishing the DOTS Centre in collaboration with the Delhi State Tuberculosis Control Society, Nehru Nagar Tuberculosis Centre (Municipal Corporation of Delhi) and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, in Basti Hzt. Nizamuddin for extending free diagnostic treatment to affected victims. Trust organizes free chest clinics in remote villages from time to time, chest specialists conduct thorough screening and provide complete treatment to the T.B. patients.

Free Eye Surgical Operation
                   Under the “Curative Blindness Project” Nizamia Charitable Trust extends preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and operative services (Cataract with IOL Implantation) for the hundreds of visually challenged people in various slum clusters of Delhi and nearby districts, with the collaboration of South Delhi Blindness Control Society, Government of India and Venu Eye Institute at Sheikh Sarai, New Delhi etc.

Free Dispensaries, Clinics and Camps
                   Nizamia Charitable Trust frequently organizes free camps, mobile and fixed dispensaries cum clinics on various occasions (social and religious gatherings like Haj, Urs, Ijtemas, Hola Moalla, Diwali and Dussehra). The programmes benefit immensely the beneficiaries irrespective of class, caste, creed or religion, and also promotes love and understanding.

“HNIRD” Hzt. Nizamuddin Institute of Radio-diagnosis.

                 Affording good health facilities remains a distant and unfulfilled dream for majority of the families in our community. Undiagnosed diseases result in serious complications. To help them  NCT has established  “HNIRD” where all types of X-rays are being done at no profit basis. Thousands of the poor and sick arrive from far of areas to avail these facilities.

Network of Life saving Electrocardiogram units:

                   With the collaboration of Healthcare India, one of the pioneer in Medical technology, a life saving unit established at the NCT center for the Heart patients, is  serving round the clock through the help of eminent cardiologists. Lives of hundred of heart patients have been saved through right diagnosis and advise at a right time.

                  At our center one could find free check-up camps for people suffering from heart ailments, diabetes, dental and boney problems. Frequent immunization of mother and children are also conducted from time to time totally free of cost. The trust, since inception has been proud to claim in caring over 5,00, 000 poor patients without accepting any fee.
The trust also arranges health awareness drive, meetings, seminars, exhibitions, holds street plays and programmes to environmental conservation with an objective to keep the city’s flora perfectly under green cover.
                      De-addiction drive, care for HIV positive and AIDS were taken seriously from the NCT  since 2000 in collaboration with Delhi Aids Control Society – Government of India in regulating the bad habits amongst the community in south Delhi.


                           Illiteracy is the cause of our community to languish in poverty forever. Nizamia Chaaritable Trust has undertaken several projects of adult and child literacy to empower the people with fundamental rights. Nizamia Charitable Trust has pledged to accomplish the government’s drive in making the minority community better lettered before 2020 A.D.
                           The trust has undertaken various literacy programmes under the banner, Nizamia Educational Institute in and outside Delhi.

Non-Formal Education Centre:
                       We enroll every year some 45 to 50 pre-school children from various slums and provide them formal education without accepting any fee, in cash or kind. We provide them with books, and educational materials. So far Nizamia Charitable Trust has admitted above 800 students in different private and government schools under this programme  .
Free Tutorial Services: We have come across appreciable percentage of dropouts from schools due to negligence and illiterate parents. Many parents couldn’t even afford formal education to their wards. The trust has taken the onus to offer tutorial services for the students up to Standard X for the students, before facing examination, either afresh or taken in attempts repetitively. The trust desires to start such service for all the children studying from Standard V to XII, very soon. We need to back up such service with suitable infrastructure with appreciable funds.

“ HNIIT” Hazrat Nizamuddin Institute of Infotech:

                     Our trust has supported appreciable number of unemployed and educated youth for the past three years on job-oriented, fast track, short-term easily affordable courses on computer software and hardware education. The trust has been working in collaboration with London based Muslim Aid, an apolitical and non-governmental Islamic voluntary body in UK. The beneficiaries include the people belonging to slums, villages in and around Delhi . They were given capsule-form training in desktop computer application, desktop publishing, web design, knowledge on computer hardware and peripherals, networking and multimedia. Each course has been designed for the duration of six months. Classes are being conducted in various shifts Monday through Saturday. The trainees are being provided certificate on short-term expertise from the Gurukul Technologies, an ISO 9001:2000 certified engineering institute, on successful completion of the training, making them absolutely confident, eking out independent livelihood. A training methodology has been carved out to develop the students with on-the-spot problem solving, enhancing communicative and interpersonal skills with requisite team spirit.

                    Nizamia Charitable Trust campaigns to raise  special fund every year to extend relief and rehabilitation measures for people affected from natural disasters, and evacuation from regularized colonies across the state. We have been cherished for the cause in their amelioration from time to time.
                     The trust support the mass through free distribution of milk, food, medicines and clothes during various occasions. Winter in the area lures in distributing blankets, warm domes, while the rainy season makes them provide waterproof plastic sheets to cover their huts.
                     The trust extends small term interest free loans for the needy to make the beneficiaries live self-employed. Several social welfare programmes come under various palliative service programmes.

Ambulance Services Round-the-Clock:

                           The trust has kept every option open to facilitate the needy make use of round-the-clock ambulance services, in transferring the patients or those subjected to sudden traumas to nearby government hospitals, involved in accidental fire, or floods, or communal riots or prone to natural disasters.
                           The trust has taken the onus to provide the community such ambulance service seriously round-the-year. It has also spared specialists to partake and care for the community through family welfare measures like vaccination, pulse polio, vaccines of hepatitis B, blood donation, eye operation and free dispensaries for chronically ailing patients.
                          Beside dozens of humanitarian programmes (mentioned ahead) the trust has been serving in the transportation and burial of unclaimed bodies as one of it’s noblest  activity.